Friday, July 06, 2007

Summer Garden

I took these in the early morning sun yesterday - while it was still cool enough to be outside.

Sunny daisies that I love. I think I've loved daisies since I was my Aunt Heather's flower girl and got to wear a wreath of them... Too bad Dean is so very allergic to them. So I get to enjoy them in the garden only...

And here is a new plant for me this year - Salvia. Finally something that is thriving in this tough spot.

And hollyhocks about to bloom!

This is the first bed I planted this year - well actually lots of things planted themselves. I'm going to have more coriander than even Mary Sue can use! I love this bed's lushness.

And I love the merriness of those nasturtiums peeking through the squash leaves. Its my first year for Nasturtiums, too. I haven't eaten any flowers in salad yet but I will be planting them again, that's for sure!

And tomatoes.... I think I'm going to have lots of tomatoes this year. I have a total of 34 staked plants and then 3 more little volunteers.... well, they are not so little any more, actually!


Beth-a-knee said...

i absolutely love hollyhocks.

Anonymous said...

auntie heather's favourite flower is the daisy. i love your garden--i feel quite jealous about your tomatoes especially. supposedly you aren't supposed to need to plant nasturtiums again--they're supposed to replant themselves, but it didn't work for me. the next year i only got one puny little plant.