Ronni and I have developed a tradition now that we only live 6 hours apart. Usually her and her daughter come here right after school is out. Before Calgary is really feeling like summer, we hit the beaches and the waterslide and they get there first big dose of big sun.
This year, due to some fortuitous circumstances, I was planning on going back with them and we were going to have a few days of completely kid-free time - a luxury never before known in the long history of our friendship that started when Kaetlyn was just a babe.
However due to some not so great circumstances, they missed their annual trip to the valley of the sun but I persisted in my part of the original plan. I flew to Calgary on July 1 and came home on the 5th.
We discovered what we would actually like to do together if there were no childrens' wishes to take into account as we juggle out group of 4 - 5 offspring and ourselves. First on our list, it turns out was a nap everyday - a blissfull afternoon nap. We also laid around and read good books, went out for lunch everyday, cooked a crossrib roast (that I brought in my suitcase)that was divine. Did a bit of clothes shopping, saw the new Star Trek movie (it was excellent!) went to a comedy club and played scrabble every night while drinking margeuritas out of big martini glasses.
It was perfect. Just what I needed. It was so good to just be so totally myself - to laugh and discuss deep things and not so deep... and just lay and read with such a good friend. I am so gratefull for my friendship with Ronni - such a source of support and humour and understanding. I hate to think what my life would be without her!
So here you go - two bad pictures...
that DOES sound perfect. wanna do that with me some time? :)
Um,remember, you don't like shopping?? If that was the case, then you wouldn't have chosen to do that with your freedom. So, it concludes that you do like shopping, sometimes. I demand you change my quiz score at once!!!
Well, although I am not a huge fan of shopping, I do need to wear clothes and I have a few stores in Calgary where I can find what fits me well. So it is a necessary evil. Not changing your score!
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