Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Am Amazing - the workshop

So my workshop yesterday was brilliant. 4 brilliant women attended and it was just so awesome. It felt SO good to do that again. You know, I really am a good facilitator/counsellor. Why don't I do more of that? And I got a chance to think about that yesterday...

We talked alot about beliefs. Those deep - even unconscious - beliefs that we hold that we would never consciously choose or agree with. And we talked a lot about moving past simply recognizing it but actually changing our limiting beliefs. It was a wonderful, enriching day. And it happened thanks to Monique, who made sure single-handedly that there was more than just me and her there! People shared and enjoyed what I had to share. And I got to think a lot about how amazing I am and what my beliefs are that hold me back from being who I could be and doing what I could do. While preparing, I found this wonderful website that was so inspiring to me. She's another woman from Vernon, mother to young children and I thought, why aren't I doing that? I could do that... A very good question... why aren't I doing that? Sharing who I really am - what I am passionate about - what I deeply believe. That fear that who I am, really am at the core of myself - is not okay. But I am okay - more than okay - I'm amazing!

I lasted 2 days on 25 peeps... not quite hall-of-fame material. It was silly while it lasted and thanks to everyone who 'clicked' on me! They encouraged me to try a more 'attention-getting' photo and try again... I think I'll pass...


Anonymous said...

it doesn't have to be a boob shot. there are other ways to get attention.

amyleigh said...

I've been thinking a lot about core beliefs lately too. that sounds REALLY interesting.