Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Too Cute!

Rhiannon whose hair grows almost so fast you can see it growing... had to get in on the action last week. She hates having to do her hair up in pony tails for things like soccer or ballet. Ballet started a few weeks ago so she has been harassing me to get her hair cut ever since. And seeing as I was getting mine done on Thursday, she was especially persistent. So Friday afternoon....

Her friend Megan in Calgary recently was a little adventurous with her hair so Rhiannon wanted to go beyond her usual bob. Here is the outcome. She was so totally delighted with her hair, she was floating along for several days. And the whole experience captured her imagination. She set up a hair shop in my office/studio (as soon as I get the table cleared off someone else moves in....) and set about creating a 'catalogue' complete with before and after pictures. She has informed me that the next time I need a hair cut, there is no need to go to Cyenthia....

1 comment:

amyleigh said...

the endless creativity and inspiration of kids is in itself quite inspiring. and she's really cute, too.