Wednesday, March 15, 2006

La Salle

Erin got the news today. She was accepted into La Salle College in Montreal for September. She is doing the Fashion Design program there. She got her letter this morning. She came down the Inner World School to tell me. We're going to go out and celebrate a little tonight! Wow! Montreal. That's a long, long ways away. I am excited for her and sad, too, for myself. I love her so much and she is so much a part of me to think of her across the country, by the Atlantic Ocean is hard. At least she is still in the same country! But so exciting for her - making her dreams come true. I am sure the skills that she learns there she will use for the rest of her life. She loves sewing and designing her own clothes.

So that is my big news of the day. I wrote something profound in the homeschooling online village that I am a part of. Maybe I will post it here. Sometimes I am afraid of posting my passionate beliefs for being judged. But then, if I don't, you won't ever really know me. Then I think, maybe you don't want to. But maybe you do.

Anyways, maybe that doesn't even make sense...

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