Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Something to Crow About

On this chilly morning, I go out to the coop to find 3 of our coloured 'chicks' (more like poults now) puffed up against the cold and sitting on the fence together. I thought the black one looked just like a crow...

I thought all along that this black one was a hen. However, in the last week or so, it has started to develope this drooping tail and I am starting to fear that out of the 6 eggs that hatched that were for further egg production, only one is a hen... But I am going to wait until I hear crowing before I start chopping...


amyleigh said...

what cute little feathery balls

moominmamma said...

Wow, they are growing fast! This post reminded me to ask ... it looks like Skunk (R.I.P.) was our only male Ameraucana. Despite some adolescent dimorphism, neither of our questionable Ameraucanas feathered out as roosters. So if you're looking for a good home (rather than, say, an hasty exit from this world and into someone's freezer) for an Ameraucana rooster at any point, we'd be happy to buy one from you. We have friends who come through your neck of the woods with some regularity who might be talked into picking up a scritchy-scratchy slightly smelly cardboard box ;-). Since our hens are all full-grown, I suppose it might be to his highness's advantage to wait until he is close to full-grown himself to introduce him to his new kingdom, but I'm not sure about that. You can reach me in the Village or at this e-mail. Cheers!